Our Methodology
We operate five focal core thematic areas to achieve our Mission
Church Planters Training
Training church planters to Plant healthy and multiplying churches among the Somali speaking communities in the East of Africa
through transforming lives - 2 Tmothy 2: 1-2.
Bible-based Literacy
Bible -based literacy (BBL) is a program promoted basic literacy as welll as Bible literacy specially among children in
the foundation phases of education though Bible-based literacy materials and home teaching.
The main objectives of this program are
1. Teaching children, youth, and adult about Jesus Christ through the life -transforming Word of God
2. Training individuals and groups on basic literacy skills that will lead them to improve their livelihood.
3. Promote basic reading and writing skills

Scripture Placement
Scripture distribution for the Persecuted Church
Somali Christians in the Horn of Africa has been suffering under the authorities and their Somali speaking communities that they live with since the inception of the Somali Church in 1840s. The Somali Christians are scattered all East Africa countries and go through persecutions and rejections for every day. In Somalia, the Terrorist groups, the key Muslim figures hunt the Somali Christians and kill them. They can not access to have Bibles and they are hungry to see and touch Bibles therefore, SM's strategic plan includes to place a Bible in the hands of every Somali Christian beliver.
God’s heart for advocacy - Proverbs 31:8-9
" Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.
Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy."

Children Worker's Training
We recognize the immense responsibility that we have in mentoring children in the ways of God. Jesus Christ encouraged us to be like children, so as to inherit God’s kingdom. Therefore, we also offer training programmes for children workers in the church. these programmes explore a number of diverse issues that shall inform best practices when the children are being taught.
Translation and Literature